Lip sensor adjust dot is all the way to the right.

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Lip sensor adjust dot is all the way to the right.

Post by wshNPC »

In ADJUST – LIP/EC, the SNS dot is all the way to the right. I am not touching the instrument. And when I touch the lip controller the dot does not move.

Can you help me?
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Re: Lip sensor adjust dot is all the way to the right.

Post by windsynthhelp »

The sensor dot all the way to the right tells me that most likely the extra controller is shorted to ground somewhere. From experience I would say it is most likely in the fastening of the mouthpiece aluminum bar and the plastics encasing it. In the lower end of it, near the display, there is a screw. Try loosening it just a bit. Depending on thickness of individual acrylic sheets, this screw might go too deep and touch the display board PCB and get grounded there. If so, a shorter screw may be needed to avoid this (will be provided if that’s the case). The other place where this kind of short could happen is on the other end, at the clip for the handle. Ground is going around the extra controller connected screw here, and the aluminum tape inside the clip part might be touching where it shouldn’t. That would be an easy fix. Please let me know what you find at these points and we’ll continue from there.
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Re: Lip sensor adjust dot is all the way to the right.

Post by wshNPC »

I’ve been playing the NuRAD every day and I’m happy to tell you that the grounding problem has not returned. The lip sensor has been working correctly every day. I’ll let you know if the problem returns but for now everything is okay. Thank you for working with me.
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Re: Lip sensor adjust dot is all the way to the right.

Post by wshNPC »

I think I spoke too soon. I've had this issue repeat now twice since.
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Re: Lip sensor adjust dot is all the way to the right.

Post by windsynthhelp »

I've heard of another user with similar behavior. They performed a factory reset which seemed to help.
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