releasing the left thumb from the octave rollers

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releasing the left thumb from the octave rollers

Post by wshNPC »

With the Akai EWI 4000s, when releasing the left thumb from the octave rollers, the EWI jumped to the lowest possible octave. I use this functionality (or it might be a glitch) extensively in my performing to trigger chords and command functions for live looping almost instantly.

The NuRAD functions as expected, in that it "remembers" which octave was last played when I take my left thumb off. I am wondering if it is possible to change the coding slightly to have this functionality of jumping to the lowest octave. I understand it is impractical to ask for a personalized update, so I am wondering if I can be told how to change some code in the hex files.

As this is an essential feature for how I am performing, I am extremely eager to implement this change if possible. Without it, the usability of the NuRAD for me is diminished.
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Re: releasing the left thumb from the octave rollers

Post by windsynthhelp »

You are not the only one using this aspect of the traditional EWI roller handling for triggers and commands. In the latest version of the firmware (1.5b9) there is added a menu item for choosing between roller handling modes.

It is the ROLLRMODE setting in SETUP CTL menu. Mode 1 = Highest touched roller, no release memory (legacy style, this is what you’d want to set it to); Mode 2 = Highest touched roller, release memory; Mode 3 = Touched roller pair, release memory. Mode 4 = Touched roller pair, release memory, bonus octave on top.
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