Difficulty with BRTH CC A settings

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Difficulty with BRTH CC A settings

Post by wshNPC »

It feels like, no matter what setting I designate BRTH CC A to be, this phenomenon occurs.

Some notes, that I start by blowing a lot of air at the beginning of the note, are loud, and while holding this loud note, I can adjust my own air pressure to adjust the desired CC, whether it be filter cutoff or volume. The volume or cutoff then move with my airflow.

Other times, if I try to play a softer note, I blow a smaller amount of air to start the note, then I adjust my airflow while holding the note again, and the cutoff or volume rise and fall again, but now there’s is a limit to how loud I can make it. It’s almost like, by starting a note with a smaller amount of air, the room that I have to grow the volume is somehow finite.

When I try this quiet note playing like how I described in the previous paragraph, when I blow hard and the, let’s say cutoff filter, is fully open cause I’m fully blowing and the note is at this quieter volume, if I change the note, the volume then jumps up to a louder volume.

It’s almost like the range of control that my breath has over a note is somehow pre-defined by how hard or how soft I start the note, and is not a 1:1 relationship of air to volume/cutoff/breath.

I’m trying to determine if this means that something is wrong with my controller, or if this is how it functions and I have to adjust how I play it. I’ve tried adjusting different parameters but nothing seems to address this issue.

Does this make sense or is this an issue you’re at all familiar with? I’ve gone over the manual extensively, but that doesnt mean I’m not missing something. I’m not sure what else to try and I thought I’d just reach out to you to see if you could shed any light on this.

I’ve noticed this symptom happening on a few different synths, including the Roland s-1 and a volca keys, so I don’t think it’s a synth related issue, but again, I could be wrong.

Perhaps I need to abandon the idea of having DYN velocity and instead choose a set velocity and instead have BRTH CC A only go to cut off filter? Or something else?

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I would greatly appreciate any insight you could offer me.
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Re: Difficulty with BRTH CC A settings

Post by windsynthhelp »

Sounds like a matter of synth programming, where the envelope generator (ADSR) and the velocity is controlling the sound instead of letting the breath control the vca or filter cutoff. A good starting point for a breath controlled sound is to set the VCA EG to short but not zero attack, zero decay, max sustain and short release. No velocity to VCA. Then NO EG to filter cutoff, zero or possibly a little bit offset on the cutoff and most importantly – breath CC to cutoff.

Good videos about synth programming for wind controllers:

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