NuRAD Menu Display did not come up.

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NuRAD Menu Display did not come up.

Post by wshNPC »

I was practicing today for a couple of hours, and after that time, the NuRad became unresponsive, and even though the lights on the Teensy board turned on, there was no light in the menu, and the menu was inoperable. The NuRad did not send any data out in the state. I checked the batteries and they were fine. I then put it back in the case, and came back a couple of hours later, and it turned on, and the menu lit up again, but I'm a little concerned that maybe there is something not right here. It is running the current firmware.
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Re: NuRAD Menu Display did not come up.

Post by windsynthhelp »

This behavior can happen if your batteries are getting low. Try replacing with brand new batteries and try to recreate.
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