What is a CV version?

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What is a CV version?

Post by wshNPC »

Can you help me understand what CV means in respect to the NuEVI or NuRAD?
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Re: What is a CV version?

Post by windsynthhelp »

CV stands for Control Voltage. These versions of the NuEVI or NuRAD have "CV outputs" which mean they can be interfaced with modular synthesizers.
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Re: What is a CV version?

Post by wshNPC »

Can you help me better understand how this differs from standard MIDI outs?
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Re: What is a CV version?

Post by windsynthhelp »

Typical control output interfaces (for most wind synthesis) is done through a standard MIDI port (5pin DIN or USB) ... (so essentially, they are just MIDI controllers) ... MIDI is a digital protocol (which sends control data at a finite resolution) ... for a lot of players and listeners, MIDI is fairly adequate ...

as opposed to keyboard related instruments (which typically send basic MIDI messages with some expression (use of MOD wheel or pitch bend, etc)), ... wind synthesis often enables much more real time expression (simultaneous signals including breath control, pitch bend, lip sensor, bite sensor, etc) ... the standard MIDI protocol tends to "not keep up" with the amount of expression that a player may desire to control (in order to express sound familiar with how they are used to while playing a standard trumpet or sax) ...

For synthesizer sounds (especially with use of wind controllers) ... Many folks appreciate the sound quality of pure analog generated sound source's (analog synths vs digital or virtual synths) ... in light of the sound quality and amount of desired expression that a wind synth player may desire, many of these folks appreciate triggering true analog synths using an analog method of triggering using CV data (CV signals .. CV stands for Voltage Controlled) ... CV signals offer an infinite stream of control data (because it is an analog voltage generated/controlled signal) as opposed to the MIDI protocol which is a finite digital stream of controlled data that may not be able to "keep up" with the desired resolution of expression.

NuRAD/NuEVI's with CV enabled capability have the ability to patch directly into any analog synthesizers (that offer CV inputs, usually modular synths) which in turn allows the sound source to be controlled by its infinite stream of control ... many folks often feel the difference in expression and appreciate the amount of nuance/throughput and control this offers while playing the instrument.

In short, CV outputs allow players to enjoy a more realistic controllable playing experience matched with the higher quality output of true analog generated sound sources ...

I hope this helps, ...
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Re: What is a CV version?

Post by wshNPC »

Great description, ... thank you
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